
3 posts

reduce Java docker image size

How to reduce Java docker image size

If you’ve been using Java for a while, you might have noticed that starting with Java 11, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) doesn’t have a separate distribution anymore, it is only distributed as a part of Java Development Kit (JDK). As a result of this change, many official Docker images don’t offer a JRE-only image, e.g.: official openjdk images, Amazon corretto images. In my case using such an image was resulting in an app image of 414MB, where the app itself was only taking around 60MB. What a waste of space!

But fear not, as I’m going to show you how to reduce Java docker image size dramatically.

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Using Liquibase with Kubernetes

Using Liquibase with Kubernetes

If you’re using Liquibase for database versioning with Kubernetes to deploy your app, you might have faced an issue when a migration gets stuck because Liquibase can’t acquire lock. It might look somewhat like this:

liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock.  Currently locked by LockOwner ...
        at liquibase.lockservice.StandardLockService.waitForLock(
        at liquibase.Liquibase.update(
        at liquibase.Liquibase.update( language: Properties (properties)
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Using CGroups to make local test runs less painful

Using CGroups to make local test runs less painful

In my team we’re using Docker a lot, especially in pair with testcontainers. When we’re running functional tests locally, there might be spinned up localstack, WireMock, Postgres and a container with the service itself. Running them all at the same time as well as the tests might heat up your laptop a lot, as well as make it next to unusable for quite some time. Luckily, thanks to having Linux on my laptop, this issue can be solved using CGroups.

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